Welcome! I'm Desmia "Mia" Hughes CEO of Temple On Fire The Label. I am a millennial believer here to Advance the Kingdom of God. A little of my story! I was a teenage mom, grew up in church but I was truly in the streets. Partying and just really doing my thing. Until God came knocking on my door and shifted my whole path. After a Yes from that Fire encounter with our creator, and reunited with his Love Temple on Fire was birth.

Originally created for women of faith to know that Fire was on the inside of them and was ready to light every room they entered. That it was the Queen who made the garment not the garment who made the Queen. Blazing Trails every room she entered!

God began to shift me to a Greater Purpose, and that was to truly IMPACT LIVES GLOBALLY! The Faith Collection was birth and with an amazing response and nudge from the Father. Now we will grow into a full KINGDOM APPERAL BRAND with your help! We are here for a Purpose! To Advance the Kingdom of God! Faith is what we activate daily! Knowing or unknowingly! I want each person to know There is Hope for the Future & Faith is what will drive you to success! Love is truly who you are! When we understand that LOVE is within us we can freely give it to others! We all have a mission to complete and I'm here to ignite your FIRE TO STAND BOLD, UNMOVEABLE, & UNSHAKEBLE IN YOUR FAITH!

These designs were created straight from God's heartbeat for his people. A bold message! With a Prophetic design to ignite the Faith, Hope, and Love in everyone who comes encounter with it. You are a walking billboard for God. A point of contact when you need your flame to be ignited. A way to wear your testimony! This is a chance to spread the Good News every chance we get! Lets not forget I want to see how each individual bring their Fire style to a room. LET US STAND BOLD & ON FIRE FOR GOD! 




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